31 August 2010

climbed on the roof tonight.

today was another stressful day at school -- more meetings, more confusion, more feeling like a tiny little insignificant minion.  things are just super unclear with what, exactly, my role will be in the classroom and since i sort of have no idea what will go on in a classroom of 2 year-olds, i'm having a hard time contributing to any sort of conversation that would determine my roll. so......

BUT it's ok, because we climbed on our roof when we got home to watch the sunset!  we climbed on veronica's desk and through her skylight (even though she wasn't here, thanks lady!) and it was incredible.  the clouds were crazy and we could see the water and pretty much the entire city (it's ok, veronica, i'll get back up there with you tomorrow).  the terracotta roof tiles only moved a little bit so we were totally, 100% safe (so don't worry, mom).

i'll post pictures of the sunset soon - the clouds were hot pink and out of control.

xo liz


Veronica Iris Rivera said...

Yay I'm glad I'll get a chance to go up there with you! perhaps for a certain DiMattia birthday shindig? Post those pics! They are fabulous! *even though the real thing is better!

Anonymous said...

Well I AM worried!!! That terracotta tile is slippery.......PLLEEEAAASE be careful climbing up there!! :) Mom