19 April 2011

ouch. my knees hurt.

if you haven't been keeping up with my goings on, i've been running a lot.  i ran a 10k at the end of march and am registered for the bavisela half-marathon in trieste on may 8th.

so i've been running a lot. at least a lot more than i'm used to.

my body has never been too keen on lots of running.  for as long as i can remember, in almost all sports i played, i remember complaining of knee pains.

and now, my knees feel like they're going to snap backwards.

when we were younger, my friend ehurt (now married and no longer can really be called ehurt, but i'm going to do it anyway) and i used to ponder the great questions of the world such as, "is that black sea much that smells like sewage really the cure for cancer?" or, more importantly, "what would chairs look like if our knees bent the other way all the time?"

as i entered the last third of my two-hour run yesterday, my knees started to feel as if they were going to bend the other way.  i couldn't stop imagining what it would look like if my knees did, in fact, bend all the way in the wrong direction and if they always bent that way, how would i be running?  and then, later, when i wanted to sit down, what would that look like?  nevermind the chair that i'd be sitting in, what would i look like?!

i also fleetingly thought, "it might not be good for my knees to be hurting like this."

so, runner friends, i need you. my knees hurt. i'm running a half-marathon in 3 weeks, what is my plan of action? help!


Emily and Bobby Mountcastle said...

haha, i sign all my passes for my students "emount" maybe i can change to that?

no solution for the knees...better shoes?

Unknown said...

shoes worn out? Get new ones

rest more

need insoles? Get em

rest more (taper)

don't get hurt now, it'll waste all your time. If you get hurt in the race, at least it was a semi-worthy cause

also, you'd rather complete the race more slowly than have to stop and pull out. Knee problem first, cardio second

Alison said...

ice perhaps...you think i'd have better advice what with running for the last 10 years of my life and being in med school but i'm stuck with the sciencey stuff for now so real advice will have to wait a couple years.

i just started having problems with my IT band and this is new. this better not be aging issues