22 May 2011

cronicles della mia cucina: delicious risotto!

a friend sent me this zucchini risotto recipe (thanks, dr!) and said that it was a "good thing to make if you can get fresh ingredients" and he also said that it was his "fallback - simple, plain, and straightforward."  well, yes, i can get fresh veggies and cheeses but i would definitely not call this simple or plain.  straightforward, maybe, but i had never made risotto before so definitely not on attempt #1

this risotto involves: 
chicken/veggie stock
thick, creamy cheese (i used latteria)
olive oil, butter, water and s&p

sautee, sautee, sautee veggies (not tomato) in oil. melt butter with veggies, and then add rice.  after grains are toasted, add garlic, s&p, and stock.  continuously stir mixture and add stock and water until rice becomes thick. 

let the rice finish cooking.  when the rice is almost finished, add loads of cheese and cream to make it really delicious.  add tomato at the end and then EAT.   

oh, man. it was so creamy and delicious and i made a TON and it lasted for a week and i was happy.


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