when i typed the title of this post, i initially typed "2010." that's wrong. it's 2011 and really almost 2012. when did that happen?! it really is true what they say, "time flies when you're having fun." as my sister said the other day, "how much faster is it going to go when we're OLD?!" i'm not sure how the acceleration of time with age works, but i don't want to waste any of my 20s trying to figure it out -- i know i need to enjoy it while i can; i only have one life.
so what am i going to do with these epic years of mine, you ask? what have i been up to since my grand return to america at the end of july? well, besides spending lots of quality time with all those people i missed last year, i've got some pretty sweet plans in the works. i won't give away all of my hopes and dreams because, you know, i don't want to jinx anything. but i will give you a high-quality preview.
(an extended) labor day weekend: new york city! people i can't wait to see include: my long-lost ladybird, IST ex-coworkers who are educating the new york city youth at a charter school in brooklyn, J, who will absolutely be my first famous friend with her sure-to-be-rapidly-approaching broadway musical debut, some sisters (a fellow ginger and twin b), my favorite princess (who's engaged!!), and many others. i'll be there for pretty much a week and who knows, at that point the city may have sucked me in and i might never leave.
if i do make it out,
september 8th - 11th: dc/northern virginia! again, so many of my favorite people live densely packed into this small area that i just hope i get a chance to see them all. concrete plans so far include hanging out with V and her family; i have been suffering without my roommate/coworker/travel partner/friend since she left me in trieste on july 11th. i'll get to see her as cheerleading coach in-action and i'm hoping her dad will cook us some delicious puerto rican food. or maybe we'll make italian food? we'll probably eat a lot; it will be delicious.
later in september: a weekend in charlottesville for some other liz time (which will surely include a "cville highlights" journey before she leaves for oxford) and some concerts with friends and the family, some days at the beach (which days are yet to be determined), and then! an unprecedented alaska/canada/other places road trip adventure. no, i have no idea what i've gotten myself into but i'm excited.
other goals: i've been told i'd like chicago and seattle. i also have some friends who are out of the country in some pretty cool spots that i might need to visit....
stay tuned for updates!