02 February 2012

dear parents, love teachers

the other day, i was filling out a job application for a teaching job.  the application required essay questions and one of the questions was, "explain a difficult situation you have encountered with a student.  what steps did you take to resolve the problem and was it resolved successfully? how did you know? should a similar situation arise in the future, how would you act differently and why?" 

i procrastinated answering this question for longer than i can remember putting anything off.  i mean, months and months and months....  i was really struggling to recall a challenging situation that, if explained, would be a good representation of my classroom management skills.  i've been lucky in my (short) time teaching - i've had pretty great classes and haven't run into anything major that would really fit here.  of course i've had challenges, every day is a challenge in the life of a teacher, so i had to think of something.

i finally sat down and told myself i was going to respond.  i typed a full 600 word answer, edited my work, and then as i was re-reading it a final time, i realized that the problem was centered around a parent conference and wasn't actually a challenging situation with a student, it was a challenging situation with a parent!  so, back to square one.  i opened a new document and started over.  as i was typing out a second response, i realized i was explaining another problem that could have been avoided without obsessive parental involvement.  

and then i found this article from CNN in september.  

can i get an AMEN?! 

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