30 December 2010

the hills are aliiiiiiiiivvvveeeee with the sound of music

with a refreshing midweek day off (wednesday, december 8th, some rando italian holiday, yes, please!) we decided to make 4 hour trip to salzburg, austria!  after school tuesday we rented a car, filled it up, and went on our merry way.  we drove through slovenia and lots of snow and ice but made it safely to the land of the sound of music!

tuesday evening we wandered around a bit but saved most of our exploring for wednesday.

then wednesday came.  we slowly wandered into the center of the city where they have a great christmas market, hike up to the castle overlooking the city and went to an awesome brewery.  i sang all day and, as you all should know, i am incredibly talented vocally. so this made my constant state of song NOT obnoxious in the least bit.

some pictures!

view of the city from the castle

awesome pretzel from the christmas market

view up to the castle from the main square

gorgeous city view


the city at night

love austria and can't wait to go back to salzburg with my parents (as soon as they make it across the pond to me!)


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