19 January 2011

the foreshadowing of the fog

[background information: the view from this spot usually looks similar to this

yesterday began as an exceptionally foggy morning, which is saying a lot considering it has been foggy for 10 days straight.  however, while sitting at the obelisk after school watching the sunset, i reflected upon the day and realized it was one of the most beautiful that i could remember.  the skies were blue, the sun was warm and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.  but the fog never lifted;  opicina is just above the clouds while trieste remains smothered under a thick blanket, having been hidden from the sun for far too long.  

V jammed on her guitar and i simply watched. i watched her play and i watched as the sun gradually dipped below the clouds.  i watched as the fog gently rose and fell as if someone was standing below, blowing so the fog would rise and release trieste once again.  i looked into the distance and there was no sign of the city below, no sign of the sea, no sign of slovenia and croatia in the distance, no sign of anything except the fog.  

it's fittingly ironic to think about how opicina and the school is above the thick fog.  instead of retreating to more pleasant conditions when we get off work in the evening, we've been approaching them in the morning on the way to work as we break through the fog.  at the same time, i've been having exceptional days at work and leaving only to be mentally swamped at home attempting to make decisions about the near future that i'm not ready to make.  

i'd like to think of this as hopeful foreshadowing.  although my brain may be smothered with thoughts and ideas right now, soon, my head will break through the clouds and i'll make all of the right decisions. just like the perfectly beautiful day. everything will be perfect.  



Veronica Iris Rivera said...

Wow! I love your writing style in this post... so poetic... i'm glad i followed you to the obelisk!

Eliza said...

I was just about to say the same thing... so poetic of you lizzie bee. Talking to you and other liz today about our trip got me so excited for the future aka this summer!

Cliff said...

Love the pics!