26 January 2011

pure exhaustion.

two things.

1. we've had at least 5 students out every day since we got back from break -- they all keep giving each other "the vomit."  when students are absent for days, and sometimes weeks, at a time, it means a lot of extra work for their teachers (aka ME) when the time comes to make sure they're caught up. this = exhaustion.

2. last night, we had our new student teachers over for dinner and i made pizza (incredibly successfully, again) for them! so my yesterday was as follows:

school until 4
stayed after doing work until 5
grocery store
made it home, finally, by about 620
immediately started cooking
didn't finish eating and cleaning until about 945 pm

HOW do moms everywhere do it?! EVERY DAY!!? i sat down at about 10 pm last night and it was incredibly difficult to get back up again.  thank goodness i have enough left over pizza to last me for the rest of the week.

i.am.exhausted. and paranoid that i'm going to get the vomit from any one of my sickly students.

(pizza pictures to come soon!)



Alison said...

phew...i finally got through all of your posts since the beginning of december.

i've been having some very exhausting days as well and i feel like i didn't used to. i am 23 now, is this the beginning of old?

Eliza said...

I want to go there! Too bad I'm visiting in the summer or else the dolomoties would definitely be on the list.... and in response to Alison, yes 23 is the beginning of old. My old bones are in bed after working all day and i'm seriously considering going to bed. It's 8:45.

I miss you both!

Alison said...

I feel like when i read these, i can't be reading someone's real life. it's just not possible. so jealous! miss you and you should be receiving a letter from me soon!

liz said...

just got your letter yesterday - BOTH of you!! just as i was getting sad about my lack of incoming mail. responses in progress.

and liza, the dolomites in summer will be just as gorgeous! they're on my list -- good thing for you, you can see them across the adriatic from trieste when it's a clear day!