27 February 2011

cronicles della mia cucina: homemade bagels!

at our favorite spot in town, they have delicious brunch bagels.  this is the only place in italy that i have ever heard of to serve bagels so obviously it is wildly popular with the IST staff members.  on sunday mornings we have been known to fill the place during brunch hours.  

however, the prices at our posta don't get along very well with our bank accounts.  maybe this was the reason, or maybe she had another, but one day, post brunch, V declared, "i want to make bagels." 

she did the necessary research, made the first batch (which was delish), and then obviously, i copied her. and now we make them frequently!  we've figured it out that each white bagel costs about 8 cents.  when wheat flour is used, however, the price increases to piu' caro 11 cents.  

the necessary materials:

and the process:

boiling before baking


sunday-after-break bagel + spreads + glee + boxed wine feast.

round 2: wheat bagels! 

oib august 2k11: get excited for so many homemade bagels. 

you may no longer rightfully ban me from the kitchen at 16 isle plaza. 


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