10 July 2011

and then there was one.


since my last update, the L.I.Z. adventure has taken a break in trieste.  we're down one L.I.Z. (hopefully she's able to actually leave the country tomorrow and be done with standby hell) and the past few days have been full of nostalgic cooking, the trieste farewell tour, and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning the apartment.

it's 4:46 am now and i'm wide awake.  this morning, L and V are flying back to the states.  i woke up to give them goodbye hugs and now the insane seagulls are on an indescribable rampage of extreme noise-making, i'm crying, and my mind is swarming with memories from this year -- so of course i can't go back to sleep. 

even though it most definitely is, i still can't believe that this year is over.  it honestly feels like so recently that we were just moving in and getting to know each other.

i knew that it would be strange once everyone had left and i was the only one here but i honestly didn't think i'd cry this morning.  i haven't cried yet while saying goodbye to anyone, but of course it was the amazing roommates that started the waterworks.  although i shed a tear (or many tears), it's not so bad right now because other liz is here and she and i are (or, will be when the sun comes up) busy preparing to go to spain tomorrow (!), but on the 18th when i return to trieste and am really alone for a few days, i think it's going to hit me even harder that this year has ended. 

it was just such an amazing year that i'm not ready to be done with it! 

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