28 March 2011

goals getting squashed by the rain

over the weekend, i made a list of all the posts i want to make and the list is rather lengthy.  so! i made a goal of blogging once every week day, monday through friday, starting today.  in addition to the list of overdue posts, things happen around here on a very regular basis that i also like to keep you all updated on (all 5 of you who read regularly), which means my list of "things i need to post" will only be growing.  i needed to create some sort of schedule to keep me on point.

however, today il tempo fa schifo (the weather sucks).  it's one of those rainy, colder-than-you-thought-when-you-were-getting-dressed, foggy days that makes you just want to curl up in bed with a good book (we all know how i feel about the rain and unanticipated temperature fluctuations).  i had the following conversation with my lizzy about the weather while i was doing laundry (another thing that makes me go "ugh"):

me: ugh
lizzy: yeah this weather sucks.  but today is supposed to be the worst of it.... bora might come later this week.
me: ughhhhhhh bora is coming?!
lizzy: yeah i think so, someone told me that it was coming
me: it sounds like the bora is a dreaded relative coming to visit
lizzy: i don't think it's going to be bitter cold, i think it will be more like the bora that just blows all these clouds away.
me: oh! we like that bora!
lizzy: yeah! so it's like that cousin that your hot and cold with instead of the always dreadful relative.

so, there you have it. we're preparing for the arrival of our sometimes dreaded cousin to hopefully clear out these clouds and just jump ahead from april showers to may flowers.

all is not lost, though, on this rainy monday -- thanks to daylight savings time, it's not dark yet AND before checking the weather forecast we made plans for a fajita dinner.  what it does mean is that this non-planned blog post will be today's and i won't be checking anything off my list (unless i add this to my list so that i can check something off - something i'm not above doing).

see you tomorrow when (hopefully) the clouds are gone and i'm full of a delicious mexican dinner.


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