13 October 2010

happy birthday/tanti aguri/feliz cumpleanos/i could go on...

tonight was my friend's 25th birthday, WOO!

in the midst of the celebrations (including a large batch of pimento cheese for the wisconsin-ite) we sang "happy birthday" to her in 6 languages!

now that's multiculturalism.

some pictures:

the birthday girl with her spread of snacks

discussing the map of europe

the beginning of the birthday singing..

the lone ukranian singing

not loving her croatian brandy treat

hot dog from the kids menu!

the boy's end of the table

dessert #1

dessert #2 (with a flaming sugar cube!)

the birthday celebrations have been growing more involved and more exciting as we are all getting to know each other and become friends.  K's was only the 3rd birthday since our arrival and already we've incorporated evites for a wednesday evening apertivo. i can't even begin to fantasize about what's going to come about on saturday, march 19, 2011.


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